Scrum Trainings

Discover our practical Scrum training courses for Scrum Masters and Scrum Teams. Find the right course now and take your Agile professionalism to the next level!

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Scrum Master Trainings

Professional Scrum Master (PSM I)

Gemeinsam mit dem WIFI Wirtschaftsförderungsinstitut Österreich bieten wir einen zweitägigen (16 Stunden) Kurs zur Ausbildung von zertifizierten Scrum Mastern an. Egal, ob Du bereits Erfahrung hast oder Scrum noch neu für Dich ist – alle Reifegrade sind willkommen.

This training is offered in presence and online. Check out the dates for details.

PSM I Certification prep

Our Scrum training prepares you for the PSM I exam (Professional Scrum Master) and thus ensures you industry-wide recognition.

What you will learn

  • The Scrum framework and the underlying theory and principles (Scrum principles and empiricism)
  • Roles and responsibilities in Scrum with a focus on the role of the Scrum Master
  • Working in Sprints and effective facilitation of Scrum events (Daily Scrum, Sprint Planning, Sprint Review, Sprint Retrospective)
  • “Definition of Done” and the importance of transparency
  • Scrum artefacts (Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, Increment)
  • Promoting communication and collaboration in the Scrum team
  • Coaching and development of the Scrum team
  • Scrum values and their significance for agile working

public @ WIFI

excl. VAT
  • Preparation for industry-recognized certification
  • incl. one assessment attempt (PSM I
  • Small group size for impactful learning
  • Engaging hands-on exercises
  • 16 Stunden mit einer erfahrenen Trainerin
  • online and presence option
  • Training language: German
  • Training material

Training dates:

Tue 06.05.2025

Thu 08.05.2025

Mo. 12.05.2025

Thu 15.05.2025



Mi. 13.05.2025

Do. 14.05.2025

jeweils von 09:00-17:00


Di. 28.10.2025

Mi. 19.10.2025

jeweils von 09:00-17:00



Mo. 30.03.2026

Di. 31.03.2026

jeweils von 09:00-17:00



The trainers

Anna Ronacher & Beatrix Gottanka

Die Agilistas Anna und Beatrix halten eine Tasse Kaffee in der Hand und lächeln fröhlich

Unveiling triumphs

Read our clients success stories

Scrum Master Deep Dive Inhouse-Kohorte

Die Entwicklung großartiger Scrum Master geht mit diesem Training über die typischen zweitägigen Scrum Trainings hinaus! Wir glauben an eine sinnvolle langfristige Entwicklung. Die Anwendung im realen Arbeitsalltag und kontinuierliches Feedback machen diese Ausbildung wirkungsvoll und effektiv. Lege den Grundstein für die Entwicklung erfolgreicher Teams und großartiger Produkte. 

How does this work?


With an ideal group size of 4-6 people, you will enjoy tailored support, personal attention and closer collaboration than in large classes. This enables stimulating discussions, peer learning and individual feedback so that you internalize the principles and practices of Scrum faster and better.

Learning modules

The learning modules don't just stick to the basics outlined by certification bodies. They dive much deeper, focusing on real-world application. The modules offer enough flexibility to address the specific challenges of each cohort.

Coaching session

To optimize individual benefits, each student is entitled to a coaching session. They have the flexibility to choose between agile or professional coaching, empowering them to focus on either their professional or personal development.


Our training prepares you for the PSM I exam, ensuring industry recognition for your Scrum Master certification aspirations. The certification fee of $200 per assessment attempt is to be paid separately directly at

In-house cohort

excl. VAT
  • Small group size for impactful learning
  • 20 Stunden live online Training
  • Engaging hands-on exercises
  • Continual feedback loops
  • Grow into the role
  • Individual coaching session
  • Preparation for industry-recognized certification
  • Training material as download
Schreibtisch mit Laptop und Bildschirm und Lampe darauf

What you learn in the Scrum trainings

Our live online training spans 20 hours, usually conducted in half-day sessions (4 hours each)on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. The intervals between modules are dedicated to applying learning in real-life scenarios, fostering practical experience. Following each session, group feedback talks provide an opportunity for reflection and growth.

Module 1 - What is Scrum? Why and who?

  • Empiricism: make decisions based on observation, experimentation, and evidence
  • Scrum Values and how to bring them to life
  • The Scrum Team: Scrum Master, Product Owner Developers

Module 2 - What is Scrum? How?

  • Scrum Events: Sprint, Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, Retrospectives
  • Artifacts: Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, Increment
  • Setting attractive goals
  • Definition of Done

Module 3:
Facilitating Scrum Events

  • Facilitation basics
  • How to facilitate each Scrum event effectively

Module 4:
Developing a Team

  • Self-managing teams
  • Building trust and psychological safety
  • Team and Scrum Master maturity

Module 5:
Managing products

  • Forecasting & Release Planning
  • Product Value
  • Product Backlog Management
  • Stakeholders & Customers

Any questions about the Scrum Master training?

Why are your cohorts so small?

Our small training cohorts prioritize quality over quantity. We’re dedicated to providing personalized support and development to ensure every Scrum Master reaches their full potential. By keeping our groups small, we guarantee that everyone’s voice is heard and valued throughout the journey.

Does this include a certificate?

Our training equips you for the industry-recognized Scrum Master exam from (PSM I). However, our focus is on fostering a profound understanding of the subject matter, not just memorization for a standardized test. We prioritize comprehensive learning over rote memorization to ensure you’re fully prepared for real-world challenges.

What happens if I miss a module?

We’re committed to a comprehensive learning journey and expect all students to achieve the learning outcomes. Together, we will find a suitable solution being it the module being recorded or individual catch-ups. No one is left behind!

I am already Scrum Master of a team. Is this still for me?

Absolutely! Re-calibrate your knowledge, gain new perspectives and inspiration! A lot in this Scrum Master training is about facilitating, dealing with the team and supporting the Product Owner. If you want to grow in these areas, the training is definitely for you!

Scrum Team Training

Discover the full power of Scrum with this interactive Scrum team training

Enable team success by re-calibrating Scrum

Say goodbye to boring PowerPoint battles because we believe in engaging and immersive learning experiences. Join us on this Scrum journey, and together, let’s unlock the power of agile collaboration and drive impactful outcomes.

In diesem Scrum Team Training werden wir uns mit den Grundlagen von Scrum beschäftigen. Ihr werdet die zentralen Konzepte und Prinzipien kennenlernen, die den Erfolg von Scrum ausmachen. In interaktiven Breakout-Sessions habt ihr die Möglichkeit, das Gelernte direkt anzuwenden und aus erster Hand zu erfahren, wie es sich anfühlt, mit dem Scrum-Framework zu arbeiten. 

Focus on team success:
elevate your results

By implementing Scrum properly, your team and your organization can leverage Scrum’s benefits, resulting in a more efficient and effective development process, improved product quality, and ultimately, a more successful and financially viable product or service.

Got burning questions about your specific situation or pain points? We encourage you to bring them along! Our trainers are here to provide guidance and address your individual queries to help you unlock the true potential of Scrum.

Your gain

  • Re-align your practices with Scrum principles and improve your current usage of Scrum
  • Directly apply best practices from the training
  • Understand why and how to use Scrum to your advantage
  • Bust some of the myths that have crept in over time
  • Re-motivate your team to take on ownership and responsibility for their work
  • Prepare for a Scrum certification course

Contents and what you will learn

  • EScrum Rollen bzw. Accountabilities: Ihr erhaltet ein klares Verständnis davon, was von jeder Rolle erwartet wird und wie sie zusammenarbeiten, um erfolgreiche Scrum-Projekte voranzutreiben.
  • Scrum Events: Der Zweck jedes Events und die spezifischen Aktivitäten
  • Scrum artifacts (Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, Increment), their significance, and the commitments associated with them.
  • Importance of Scrum values, which serve as guiding principles for effective collaboration and continuous improvement within Scrum teams.
  • What drives successful teams?
  • How to avoid technical debt
  • Definition of Done
  • Useful metrics and how to read your Scrum Board

In-house / private group

Invest in your team success
excl. VAT
  • Engaging hands-on exercises
  • Trainer with over 15 years of Scrum expertise
  • Your questions answered and immediate feedback
  • Deepen understanding of Scrum and debunk myths
  • Strengthen team alignment and collaboration
  • Reflect on your current Scrum implementation and improve
  • Small group size
  • 12 hours of training time (3 x 4h)
  • 1 year access to your miro board
  • Training material as download


  • Group size: To ensure an optimal learning environment and personalized attention, we maintain small group sizes ranging from 4 to 16 participants. 4 bis 16 Teilnehmende.
  • Duration: three half-days (3 x 4 hours)
  • Infrastruktur: Stabile Internetverbindung, Google Meet, miro (digital whiteboard)

Any questions about Scrum Team Training?

Why does the Scrum Team Training take place over three half days?

Wir haben die Erfahrung gemacht, dass die Verdichtung des Trainings auf einen ganzen Tag für die Teilnehmer:innen zu überwältigend sein kann. Wir denken, dass kleinere, leicht verdauliche Informationshäppchen dem effektiven Lernen entgegenkommen. Indem wir das Training in drei halbtägige Sessions aufteilen, stellen wir sicher, dass ihr den Stoff gründlicher aufnehmen und die wichtigsten Konzepte tatsächlich behalten könnt.

We also understand how important it is to meet your work commitments. Our three half-day format gives you the flexibility to continue your regular work without losing a full day of productivity. Your time is important to us and we want to make sure our training accommodates your schedule while maximizing your learning. Let's make the most of your time together! 😊

For whom is the Scrum Team Training intended?

Für alle Scrum-Team Mitglieder, sowohl neue als auch erfahrene, sowie alle dazwischen, die ein gemeinsames Verständnis erlangen oder ihre Scrum-Kenntnisse auffrischen wollen.

How can I book this training?

Simply contact us by email or use our electronic booking tool. Don’t worry, we will discuss the details in advance – at no additional cost.

Can we customize the training content?

Our Scrum Team training training is a comprehensive off-the-shelf program specifically designed to deliver the key concepts of Scrum.

However, we understand that every organization has unique training requirements.

At our company, we value flexibility and tailoring our offerings to meet your specific needs. We are more than happy to discuss how we can accommodate your requirements.

We recommend exploring workshops that delve deeper into specific areas of interest. These workshops can focus on applying Scrum practices within your organization’s unique context or diving into any topic you wish to explore in greater detail. Contact us today to discuss your specific needs and embark on a tailored training journey.

Why is this a live online training? Are you willing to do an on-site training as well?

We have successfully delivered trainings in a live online format, and it has received positive feedback from attendees, even those who initially had reservations. The incorporation of breakout sessions and user-friendly online collaboration tools has made the experience engaging and enjoyable.

One of the key advantages of live online training is its convenience. If your team or the colleagues you want to attend the training are located in different locations, there’s no need for them to travel and lose valuable time. Participants can join from the comfort of their own workspace, eliminating the logistical challenges of coordinating travel arrangements.

Und JA! Wir kommen auch gerne zu euch ins Haus. Details zur Gestaltung und Termine besprechen wir gerne zusammen!

Top 4 reasons to attend a live virtual class

Live virtual classes provide instant feedback and clarification from the trainer. Participants can seek explanations and clarification on complex topics, ensuring a deeper understanding of the subject matter and addressing any doubts as they arise.

Live virtual classes include participants from various backgrounds. This diversity brings different perspectives, experiences, and real-world examples to the table, enriching the learning experience and providing valuable insights that can’t be obtained from self-paced video training.

Not everyone has the discipline to follow through with a self-paced video course, especially in these times where with live in an environment full of distractions.
Attending a live virtual class introduces a level of accountability. Participants commit to specific dates and times, which can help maintain discipline and consistency in their learning journey. The structured schedule ensures that the material is covered systematically.

In a live virtual class, participants have the opportunity to engage in discussions, ask questions in real-time, and interact with both the trainer and fellow participants. This level of interactivity enhances comprehension and retention of the material, making the learning experience more engaging and effective.

Discover more

Scrum Team Lift Off

Your team wants to get started with Scrum, but doesn't know how?

IKIGAI Coaching

Find your purpose with the IKIGAI method. You will be guided by a trained IKIGAI coach.

Scrum Coachings

Combines practical guidance with the promotion of personal growth and resilience.

Let's make agility joyful again!

Drop us a line and keep in touch

Die Agilistas Anna und Beatrix sehen sich am Tablet ein Miroboard an