IKIGAI Coaching

Find your purpose and discover what truly fulfils you

Ikigai Ikigai (生き甲斐, lit. ‚a reason for being‘) is a Japanese concept referring to something that gives a person a sense of purpose, a reason for living.

Why book an IKIGAI Coaching session?

At IKIGAI Coaching, we believe that everyone deserves to find their purpose, ignite their passion, and ultimate live a fullfilled life. This coaching session is designed to help you uncover your IKIGAI – the Japanese concept that represents the intersection of what you love, what you are good at, what the world needs, and what you can be paid for. By booking an IKIGAI Coaching session, you embark on a transformative journey to discover your true calling and align it with your professional and personal goals.

You will gain a profound understanding of your unique purpose and the direction you want to take in your personal and professional live. Our coaching approach helps you identifying your strengths, explore your passions, and find meaningful ways to contribute to the world while achieving personal fulfillment. Through the IKIGAI Coaching experience, you gain clarity, confidence, and a renewed sense of purpose that propels you towards a more fulfilling and balanced life.

IKIGAI Konzept

What is a typical IKIGAI Coaching session like?

A typical IKIGAI Coaching session is an interactive and intense introspective experience. Through thought-provoking questions, self-reflection exercises, you are guided to explore the four elements of IKIGAI. We then look at the intersections and find your passion, mission, profession and vocation. This is the last step to find your IKIGAI. Together, we will draft your purpose statement as your powerful guiding star to live a purpose-driven life.

IKIGAI - Buchempfehlung

Das Buch „Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life“ von Héctor García und Francesc Miralles bietet faszinierende Einblicke in das japanische Konzept des Ikigai – dem Grund, warum wir morgens aufstehen. Es erklärt, wie die Bewohner der japanischen Insel Okinawa, bekannt für ihre hohe Lebenserwartung, Sinn und Zufriedenheit in ihrem täglichen Leben finden. Während das Buch eine inspirierende Einführung in das Thema bietet, kann die praktische Umsetzung dieser Prinzipien im eigenen Leben herausfordernd sein. Hier setzt ein Ikigai-Coaching an: Es hilft Dir, die im Buch vorgestellten Konzepte auf Deine persönliche Situation anzuwenden.

Buch cover: Ikigai: The Japanese secret to a long and happy life
Ikigai: The Japanese secret to a long and happy life

How Ikigai Coaching can influence your life

Our individual Ikigai coaching can enrich your daily life in various ways. We help you define your "purpose statement" and not only recognize your meaning in life, but also practically integrate it into your everyday life. Small routines and conscious actions play an important role in this. Because they can remind you again and again of your personal and professional meaning in life. Through such regular moments of reflection, such as a morning pause or an evening ritual of gratitude, you consolidate your feeling for your Ikigai and anchor it in your everyday life.

With this clear understanding, you may also rethink your professional and personal decisions. But Ikigai also allows you to set priorities in relationships that are more in line with your general values. This way, you make decisions that make your life more harmonious and meaningful. Our Ikigai coaching helps you to feel more connected to your work, your hobbies and your social environment. When you have a clear view of your purpose in life, you can find new joy in familiar things and a more intense connection to the people around you. In this way, you make your daily life not only more fulfilling, but also more conscious and with more meaning.


Free yourself from false expectations of Ikigai!

  • Ikigai is not a one-time goal, but can change throughout your life. Therefore, it is difficult to find the “perfect” Ikigai!
  • Some people often feel pressure to change their entire life in just one session. Let go of this pressure, because Ikigai is a flexible and adaptable concept.
  • Be aware that it is not always possible to cover all four areas 100%. It is more about finding your own individual path.

Beatrix is a trained and certified IKIGAI Coach by Coachingbande.

IKIGAI Session

Uncover your purpose
excl. VAT
  • Initial introduction and familiarization (FREE)
  • Guidance through the process of discovery
  • Definition of your purpose statement
  • 3 month access to your board for further reflection
  • Your IKIGAI board as download

Professional Coaching

Professional Coaching Session

Gain a new perspective on seemingly deadlocked issues. Gain confidence.

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You matter

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Beatrix und Anna arbeiten fröhlich an der Ausarbeitung eines IKIGAI Coachings